Mmmm !!!
Comme à la Maison

Où ?

  • 20 rue de Châteaudun / 75009 Paris
  • Notre-Dame de Lorette
  • 01 44 91 98 71

Comment ?

  • Branché
  • Entre 20 et 50 places
  • tranquille
  • De 20 à 30€
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Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Overall, this may have been the worst restaurant in which I have ever eaten. The food was terrible (the rice was not entirely cooked, and there was little more than rice in anyone's dish at our table), the waiter did not bring us what we ordered, he was incredibly rude to us when we pointed this out and refused to do anything about it, and then he tried to overcharge us. When he brought the bill, he stood there, watched, and waited as I counted out the money. I travel extensively in my line of work and have been to many restaurants in the US, in Paris (where I have been living for over a month), and elsewhere around the world and the combination of poor food and insulting service makes this the worst place I can recall.

MHN, le 18/06/2010 [ 1er commentaire sur le site ]

Une cuisine mariant les influences pour des plats agréables (gros mangeurs méfiez vous malgré tout). Un tarif abordable mais un confort moyen (tables serrées et rue bruyante). En revanche le service est attentionné. Un bon moment en définitive.

zzdid, le 07/07/2009 [ 1er commentaire sur le site ]

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